
New Year, New You (And Me)

It’s 2025, Ladies! Yes, we’re halfway through the decade. Can you believe it? I know I can’t. 

Like most of us, on New Year’s Eve I contemplated my New Year’s Resolution for 2025. In past years, it’s been a bit of a struggle since all the things I could think of improving seemed very hard to do. Ultimately, I don’t know why I fretted about it so much since inevitably, I’ve always made it to the standard two week mark before crashing and burning in utter failure.

One of my most memorable defeats occurred many years back, during my single era. I decided to get fit and lose weight so I joined the local YMCA on January 1st. I’d pretty much forgotten about my membership until I received an invitation in December to attend the annual holiday lunch for members of the Y. I felt a little silly about never once setting foot in the building the entire year while faithfully forking over the monthly dues. So naturally I attended. I remember that the main course was a sandwich on white bread, which seemed a little lame for the $1,000 membership.

Like most women I know, losing weight makes a frequent appearance on my annual New Year’s Resolution list. Between the ups and downs over the years, I’ve gained more than I’ve lost, but I don’t regard it as a failure.  I’ve met many wonderful people at Weight Watchers meetings and learned a couple of tips from nutritionists on Noom. In fact, if you observe me carefully, you’ll note that I never snack after 9:00pm. Thank you, nutritionist Samantha. I can only imagine how rotund I’d be today if I hadn’t seriously listened to you (unlike all the other advice I’ve pretty much ignored).

I just posted a video on social media where I pledge a New Year’s Resolution not to gossip. Spoiler alert: I basically fail throughout the video and then utterly fail at the end. Thirty-five seconds is about how long I expect I could keep that one up if I was truly serious about it (which reminds me—heard any good gossip lately? If so, drop me a line).

Two resolutions I’m toying with are to either quit shopping or keep my bedroom tidier. The truth is those two things are very interrelated, so if I pledge one, I’ll inevitably be doing the other. It’s not often you can get a two for one in a New Year’s Resolution, so that’s a perk to consider.

The bottom line is that it’s now the second week of January, and I’m still deciding which resolution it’s going to be. At this rate, I’ll be ready to commit on January 1, 2026. Clearly, overcoming indecision is something I can work on, but I can’t decide if it’s worth wasting an entire New Year’s Resolution on.

Whatever it ends up being, be on the lookout. If I beat the December 31, 2025 deadline for proclaiming a resolution this year, I may just surprise you (and myself)!