Menopausal Mom Brain is Real
I’m noticing a concerning trend that involves my iPhone. At least once a day, if not more often, I find myself putting it in the most random places and then losing it for long periods of time. What is most…
Read MoreTwelve Hours Without TikTok
I like to think I haven’t fallen into the trap of social media addiction. Honestly, it would upset me to believe I’ve sunk to that point, especially after years of studiously avoiding the cerebral fog of endless doom scrolling. …
Read MoreSnow Day in the South
I’m pleased to report that here in Austin, Texas, we’ve survived another snowfall. Thankfully, we’re blessed with an exceptional team of local meteorologists. About two weeks ago, the famed “Prediction Center” and “First Warning Weather” sounded the alarm that it…
Read MoreMy Wasted Youth (as a Camp Fire Girl)
I’ve managed to make it through most of my life without mastering a few basic life skills. I’m not proud of that, but at the same time, I’ve survived to this point without them, so I’m not overly concerned. The…
Read MoreNew Year, New You (And Me)
It’s 2025, Ladies! Yes, we’re halfway through the decade. Can you believe it? I know I can’t. Like most of us, on New Year’s Eve I contemplated my New Year’s Resolution for 2025. In past years, it’s been a bit…
Read More‘Tis the Season for Moms (HaHaHa)
I love Christmas. It’s my favorite holiday. Why? Honestly, that’s probably a question best unpacked in a psychologist’s office, since if I break it all down, there really isn’t a good explanation. The fact of the matter is that…
Read MoreMotherhood Can Be Hazardous to Your Health (Part 2)
Unless you never see your children, it’s virtually impossible to go through their childhoods without suffering a child inflicted accidental injury. Usually, it’s nothing serious requiring no more than a Band-Aid or icepack. It just goes with the territory. I…
Read MoreGold Medal Moms
Watching an Olympic athlete standing proudly on the highest podium at the awards ceremony, the country’s flag raising slowly above the victor’s head, and the national anthem playing throughout the venue is always heartwarming and inspiring. While it’s an emotional…
Read MoreMotherhood Can Be Hazardous to Your Health
Thankfully it’s not often lately that I’m reminded of the potential harm that can come from assuming the role of “Mom” in the family. Unfortunately, last night was one of those reminders. My son has a dog, Max. …
Read MoreWhat Would Washington Think?
Regardless of your politics, it’s fair to say that as a country we’re in a real mess right now. Many factors contribute to our current situation, but at least one thing could dramatically improve the situation. Citizenship 101. …
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