Motherhood Can Be Hazardous to Your Health (Part 2)

August 22, 2024

Unless you never see your children, it’s virtually impossible to go through their childhoods without suffering a child inflicted accidental injury.  Usually, it’s nothing serious requiring no more than a Band-Aid or icepack. It just goes with the territory. I…

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Gold Medal Moms

August 8, 2024

Watching an Olympic athlete standing proudly on the highest podium at the awards ceremony, the country’s flag raising slowly above the victor’s head, and the national anthem playing throughout the venue is always heartwarming and inspiring. While it’s an emotional…

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Motherhood Can Be Hazardous to Your Health

July 31, 2024

Thankfully it’s not often lately that I’m reminded of the potential harm that can come from assuming the role of “Mom” in the family.           Unfortunately, last night was one of those reminders.           My son has a dog, Max. …

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What Would Washington Think?

July 31, 2024

Regardless of your politics, it’s fair to say that as a country we’re in a real mess right now.  Many factors contribute to our current situation, but at least one thing could dramatically improve the situation.           Citizenship 101.          …

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Batter Up! (And Hope Mom  Survives)

May 20, 2024

If my math is correct (which it usually isn’t), I spent about one third of my life as a Baseball Mom.  I can’t say this was ever my plan.  I always liked baseball well enough, but if someone told me…

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Learning the Lingo

March 29, 2024

On a recent trip, my podcast co-host, Julie, and I were waiting in line to board a Southwest Airlines flight when she received a text message from her 16-year-old daughter.  Julie asked her daughter to do something, and she received…

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Traveling by airplane sucks

May 11, 2023

Last week, I flew from Austin to New York City. From there, I flew to Los Angeles. After that, I flew back to Austin and repacked to fly to Miami then back again. I saw every corner of America except…

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I’m Alive!!!

February 9, 2023

Yes, I made it.  I’ve intentionally waited all these days to post something to keep you all in suspense.  It’s not often someone writes a blog post from inside an airplane in peril so for those of you who really…

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The Best Laid Plans

January 1, 2023

The Best Laid Plans I’m sitting in Seat 13E enroute (originally) from London to Austin which is now diverted back to London about four hours into the flight. What makes this disconcerting aside from the obvious fact that anytime the…

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